Mainly dedicated to the American markets, the 560SL version of the Mercedes-Benz type R107 cabriolet was acclaimed by the stars of the 80s. It's time to get familiar with the star.
Precisely, in September 1985, the leaders of Mercedes-Benz decided to reserve a little surprise for their customers in the United States: a specific version of its convertible type R107. It will be the 560SL, equipped with a promising 5.6L V8 engine developing 230 hp. More than enough to "cruise" at the regulatory pace of 55 mph (88 km / h), but nevertheless as much as necessary to give a final boost to sales of its convertible already accusing more than ten years of career and good and loyal service.
STAR car...Farrah Fawcett could crack without risk: the Californian brushing is safe. The actress won't be the only star with a crush. The list is long, from Donna Summer to Bruce Lee via Burt Reynolds or Madonna, who will offer herself a 560SL with her very first earnings. That of playmate Cindy Wood was candy pink. Because the R107 convertible is a club card. A sign of recognition. It is the car of success that is displayed.
No wonder it passes easily on the screen. At the wheel of their yellow 450SL, Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, protagonists of the soap opera For the Love of Risk, “are the kings of all high society”. For a whole generation, the references come immediately: Richard Gere in American Gigolo, Eddy Murphy, in Beverly Hills Cop. In an episode of Columbo, Trish Van Devere is pinched in particular because of the "Kay#1" license plate of the 450SL that she was offered by her lover. In another, Robert Vaughn tries to trick a guard behind the wheel. Krystle Carrington's in Dynasty was blue, while matron Angela Channing in Falcon Crest preferred it mustard yellow.

Gasoline - Box Manual - Color Red
Auto air conditioning
Electric Windows
Centralized locking
Full Leather Interior
Electric Seats
Full Leather Interior
Leather Seats
Metallic Paint
car radio
24 Hours / 100KM
24 Hours / 200KM
Weekend / 400 KM
Week / 1,000 KM
Month / 3,000 KM
3.80euros per additional kilometre.
Deposit (cb imprint)